As we continue to seek God’s vision for us, we have to ask ourselves, “What is going on in the world around us? And how are we to respond to those events?”  And then we can then take that to a personal level and seek those situations around us in our homes, our jobs, and other areas that we each live in.  From a church perspective, there has to be a single metric to know if we are working God’s vision, and that metric is if we are making disciples.  As a church we have to keep the goal of making disciples as our primary goal.

We point again at to show the danger of not keeping God’s vision as the main motivation in our lives.  We risk moving away and distancing ourselves from God when we do not attach ourselves to his wisdom and revelation.  Jesus gave a broad view of God’s directive for us in 0 that in our every day lives, as we go, we are to make disciples through the authority of Jesus Christ.

So how we describe our vision?  The heart of our vision falls in the ability to identity current ministry opportunities.  We have to look at today’s challenges.  Individually, we have to ask the same questions.  What areas in me do I have to allow God to work through me to effect the opportunities in my life?  We have to accept the changing order of life.  We cannot get stuck in the past or some non-realistic reality, but be in touch with what is going on today.

Vision is the marriage between the biblical purpose and mission of the church and its contextual setting.  We need to be grounded in His truth, but vision shows us how to apply that into the work around us.  Satan will work hard to convince us that the world is too far gone to apply God’s vision.  What we know theologically (biblically), what we are in character, and what we do with our mission form the overarching basis for determining vision.

First it is important that we begin with a theologically strong foundation in the Bible.  So many times we see church groups who instead look at the context of the world and then try to read that context into the Bible.  But we must stand firm with God’s truth speak it into the context.  Secondly we have to take onto ourselves a godly character.  One that will unify our actions.  Thirdly we have to take action.  To find those missions that serve best the vision God has given us as an individual, a local church, and as a global church.

So we will begin to focus as a church to find that vision God has for our church.  It is exciting to see how we can move and be in tune with God.  It is exciting to see those extended members of our church who will never step foot into our church building.  That it isn’t the buildings that are the vision, but it is the salvation of people and the making of disciples in our families, business, community, and beyond.

18 Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,
but blessed is he who keeps the law. (ESV)

18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (ESV)