With our current generation who is constantly connected, we do not know how to be still.

Stress contributes to how we function. Studies are showing that even kids are being effected dramatically by stress. It can be overwhelming.

We have forgotten how to stop and control our minds (and in doing so, control stress.)

My confidence is in the Father.

By leaning on Him, we rely on his strength and not mine. And we will rely on him in all ways, not just picking and choosing they ways that we want. It i easy to forget as we get caught up in the worlds flow of handling stress. The world tells us to express ourself, but the problem is that this often leads to lashing out.

We are not aware of the path we are on, but the Bible often tells us that when we trust in him, the path will be kept safe from us.


Stress can be have very negative effects on our physical health. By lowering our stress (through trusting in god) we allow for our body to stay healthy and rejuvenated.

1. We do not take advice from the ungodly.
2. Don’t go with the sinners or ungodly. Sinners love company. What are you walking towards?
3. We will not be controlled by peer pressure.


We will delight in The Lord and we will focus on his word. My daily activity will be shaped by that relationship. When we think of meditation, we often think of monks in some remote location humming for long periods of time. But that is actually an activity opposite if what this verse is talking about. In that meditation, monks are trying to empty their minds. We are told to meditate by filling our minds with gods word and to focus and study that.

We are told to do this day and night. Because we will want to relax when times are good. We then only open the bible like an answer book when times are tough. But the bible is needed everyday to equip us for for anything that might come our way. Just as a car has regular maintenance, if ignored problems build up. We have to meditate day and night to allow us to maintain our spirit.

We need to stop compartmentalize god in our lives. When we allow him to work in all situations, we will begin to see how stress does not control.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. (ESV)

1:1 Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers; (ESV)